Emma Mukisa is the President and Founder of the Word Of Truth Ministries, and the senior pastor of Word of Truth Centres. He is leading the main branch which is located at Nansana Yesu Amala. The ministry has expanded to 20 branches now in Uganda and outside the nation! He is married to Cathy King Mukisa who is also a companion in the gospel, serving as the lead pastor of Word of Truth Centre Wakiso Branch. They both have four children 1 girl and 3 boys; Zoe King Mukisa (Girl), Rhema Emma Mukisa, Christman King Mukisa, and Divine Great Mukisa.
He is an author, a writer and publisher. He has written many books and one of which is a daily devotion called: Light for Champions which has liberated and given many lives a mean all around the world! The teaching ministry of Pastor Emma Mukisa expounds on the deep truths of our Identity in Christ.
His messages have altered destines for many, and helped many to discover who they are in Christ! He has been doing discipleship programs in schools from primary to universities since 2008, where students are discipled and after the three-level training program, they receive a certificate! He holds online courses where ministers are taught and trained in leadership and walking in the supernatural!
He is well known for his teaching ministry which is accompanied by the demonstration of the spirit and power! He has helped many ministers awaken to the divine nature and the glorious life of the Sons of God through the school, he leads: “Word of Truth School of Divinity” designed to awaken the children of God to their identity in Christ and help them actively walk in their authority as sons of God!
He has been leading Word of Truth Healing School from 2016 and has registered a number of healings! He has seen testimonies of the dead raised, the sick healed, creative miracles…