The Power of Giving

The Power of Giving

Historically, giving has been one of the most feared and misunderstood concepts dealt with by the body of Christ. Many have had a tendency to shy away from the subject because it makes them uncomfortable. Believers automatically accept the word of God concerning other areas of life but can freeze up when someone mentions the...

February 23, 2019February 23, 2019by
Uncovering the Spirit of Mammon

Uncovering the Spirit of Mammon

Summary The demonic spirit of mammon is very pervasive and subtle, and it can be difficult to detect unless we remain vigilant against it. This spirit is attached to money, and it tries to persuade us to trust money more than God. Wealth and riches cannot buy healing, deliverance, grace, or any other blessings from...

May 1, 2016February 23, 2019by
Uncovering the Spirit of Mammon Part 2

Uncovering the Spirit of Mammon Part 2

Summary Mammon is a sneaky, hateful, evil spirit whose main goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. It readily attaches itself to money and does its best to get us to trust wealth more than God. It always contradicts the word of God and attempts to persuade us to develop a wrong relationship with money....

February 11, 2016February 23, 2019by